

"Via the lotus-stem-thread of the mouth, relinquish breath - meaning: make it Still; in this way - via the sushumna path, it becomes Still like this spontaneously. This is the indication of 'kumbhak' - meaning: vayu moves in Stillness via the sushumna; that is the state of kumbhak."
~ Lahiri Baba from Amritabindu 13
"Sreshtha uttamanga [the greatest and principal part of the body] (mouth)* brahmin" - when there is samadhi; the abode of all happiness is "swarga" [heaven]; when one performs Kriya, one is a "brahmin"; from that Mouth - Lord (Purushottama).**
[*and**Translator's note: The parentheses and the text within them are in the original.]
~ Lahiri Baba from Manu 1:93
Points of Kriya as given by Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya from His introduction to the Gita:
  1. Pranayam;
  2. seeing Yonimudra in the Eye;
  3. tongue going to the head;
  4. staying in the Bindu and listening to the Sound;
  5. keeping the star from the throat to the forehead

Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta

Life-portrait and Reminiscences

Swami Satyananda Giriji Maharaj, eminent and revered disciple of Swami Sriyukteshvar has written the following: "During the time that Yoganandaji was in India [after returning from America], Sailendra Bejoy was with him practically all day every day and attended to him in many different ways. Swamiji had a great wish that he would take Sailendra Bejoy to America. Even after [Yoganandaji] went back to America, he wrote to me about this many times. But at that time, Sailendra Bejoy did not particularly have much interest in that direction." And also: "With him was Bishnu Charan, nephew Ajit-da, Bijoy Mullick, Ananda Lahiri, Sailen Dasgupta and another one or two people. Because of my illness, I had written to Swamiji that Sailendra should work as his attendant in my place. Swamiji had also received Sailen with truly great affection." ~ YOGANANDA SANGA (The Company of Yogananda): As I have seen and understood Paramahansa Swami Sri Yogananda by Swami Satyananda
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Swami Satyananda Giri

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Swami Satyananda Giri

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Sri Jnanendranath Mukhopadyay

Condensed Biography

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Swami Satyananda Giri

Paramhansa Yoganandaji As I have Seen and Understood Him

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