There is a certain kind of Revelatory Light in the par avastha of Kriya, where there is neither day nor night -- it is in that Light where the heart goes completely;being imbued with that Essence one is like a thoroughly inebriated drunkard, having turned the heart from all other directions and being enraptured by
That Substance; thus, all of the desire to stay in That -neither is that [desire] there, nor is the desire to not stay [in That] there-- mounted on top of the head and sitting there, as if: who knows who is sitting there -- sitting there like this - these three gunas - meaning,ida, pingala, sushumna - are not actually operating - meaning, in the subtle form in the Brahman Nadi, these gunas are in this kind of oneness in the par avastha. One who knows this - it is he who goes to My Essence -- meaning, however much it is possible, the par avastha of Kriya is being described (which is transmitted via the teaching of Guru -- the sign of "ru" is Total Stillness)
-Lahari Mahasay’s Gita Commentary, Chapter 14, Verse 23, English Translation Copyright Yoga Niketan, Inc
“The moon flashes in Her blessed face
God-O-God—how lovely!
I saw Her and blanked out;
Shame on me!
I failed to offer the java flowers at Her feet!
poet RajaRamkrsna”
- Singing to the Goddess: Poems to Kālī and Umā from Bengal, Rachel Fell McDermott
“A visitor has come to me from a country
Where there is no night,
And now I cannot distinguish day from
night any longer;
Rituals and devotions have all grown
profitless for me.
My sleep is broken: how can I sleep
any more?
Fornow I am wide awake in the sleeplessness
of Yoga.
O Divine Mother, made one with Thee in
Yoga-sleep at last,
My slumber I have lulledasleepfor evermore.
I bow my head, says Ramprasad, before
desire and liberation;
Knowing the secret that Kali is one with the
Highest Brahman,
I have discarded, once and for all both
righteousness and sin.”
- Ramprasad Sen
"Choked up,
waves of bliss sweeping over Her,
She hangs Her head and smiles --
Love incarnate!
The Yamuna, the heavenly Ganges, and between them
thehonorable Sarasvati --
bathing at their confluence
confers great merit.
Here the new moon devours the blue moon,
like windextinguishingfire.
Poet Ramprasad says,
Brahman is merely the radiance of Brahmamayi.
Stare at Her
and all your sins and pains
will vanish."
- Ramprasad, from Singing to the Goddess: Poems to Kālī and Umā from Bengal, Rachel Fell McDermott